Kjell Vos Portfolio!

I post about code here and other IT related subject matter.

Category: Uncategorized

World At War AI player design

I have been designing “AI” for my world at war(previously RISK) project. At first it thought I should use some form of machine learning for the AI so that it would learn from player interaction. I explored this idea but after some testing and realizing how long it would take before the AI would be

MastermindRedux project

I redid an unfinished group project, Mastermind. I started from scratch and redesigned it in such a way that there is a lot of code reusability and there is polymorphism. I also included sphinx apidoc comments to easily create html documentation pages. I thought a lot about what would limit technical debt and which would

My IT work environment.

Asus VivoBook Pro N580VD Intel Core i7 (7th Gen) 7700HQ / 2.8 GHz 16GB DDR4 SDRAM 4K(3860*2160) display scherm NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 512GB M.2 SSD 1TB 7200RPM HDD For programming i usually use JetBrains software, I like that it helps focus on what is important. The code. IntelliJ is what I use most as