I redid an unfinished group project, Mastermind. I started from scratch and redesigned it in such a way that there is a lot of code reusability and there is polymorphism. I also included sphinx apidoc comments to easily create html documentation pages. I thought a lot about what would limit technical debt and which would expedite development time. The project is about 3000 lines long which includes the apidoc comments.
I included the ability to have scores and three different difficulties each with their own high score list.
There are settings which are persistent through rebooting through the created “data.txt” file which is encrypted which also includes the high score listings.
I used pygame in the project for drawing, getting events and to create the UI elements. The development time was about 80 hours including making decisions about the look of the game.
Project executable: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anp1RIqH9mfBjJw8T-BflyPmG34sDg?e=w8B3Bf
Project source: https://github.com/1000monkeys/MastermindRedux